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Cloud Providers

How to interact with cloud-hosted Kubernetes clusters.

KRS works seamlessly across cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.). Manage your Kubernetes clusters effortlessly, regardless of your cloud choice.

1 - Azure EKS

How to Install KRS on AKS

Optimize your AKS cluster management with KRS. This powerful tool, installed locally on your machine, analyzes your AKS cluster to identify areas for improvement. KRS leverages AI to provide recommendations for enhancing your cluster’s efficiency and functionality.


  • An Azure account
  • Install Azure CLI on your laptop


  1. Clone the repository using the command

    git clone
  2. Install the Krs Tool

    Change directory to /krs and run the following command to install krs locally on your system:

    pip install .
  3. Check if the tool has been successfully installed using

    krs --help
    krs --help
    Usage: krs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **                                        
    krs: A command line interface to scan your Kubernetes Cluster, detect errors,  
    provide resolutions using LLMs and recommend latest tools for your cluster     
    ╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell. **     │
    │ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
    │                               it or customize the installation. **             │
    │ --help                        Show this message and exit. **                   │
    ╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ exit         Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from       │
    │              system. **Removes all cached data. **                               │
    │ export       Exports pod info with logs and events. **                         │
    │ health       Starts an interactive terminal using an LLM of your choice to   │
    │              detect and fix issues with your cluster                         │
    │ init         Initializes the services and loads the scanner. **                │
    │ namespaces   Lists all the namespaces. **                                      │
    │ pods         Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a       │
    │              specified namespace. **                                           │
    │ recommend    Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking         │
    │              database and their CNCF project status. **                        │
    │ scan         Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are         │
    │              currently used. **                                                │

    Once you get a list of commands you can move onto the next part.

Create an EKS cluster on your Azure account

  1. Create an EKS Cluster

    To create an EKS account, you can log into your account and search for Azure Kubernetes Service.

    Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 17 54 PM

    Once you click create, you can name your cluster, add a node pool (I used the default agent pool but you can create your own), and leave everything else to its default state. **This will help you create a cluster.

  2. Install Azure CLI

    brew update && brew install azure-cli
  3. Log into your Azure account

    Once the CLI is installed, log into your Azure account using the command:

    az login
  4. Connect to Your Cluster

    Retrieve the connection command from your cluster details on the Azure portal and execute it to connect to your cluster.

    Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 18 25 PM Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 18 51 PM

Using Krs

  1. Initialise Krs

    krs init
  2. Scan the Clusters

        krs scan
        Scanning your cluster...
        Cluster scanned successfully...
        Extracted tools used in cluster...
        The cluster is using the following tools:
        | Tool Name   | Rank   | Category                    | CNCF Status   |
        | autoscaler  | 5      | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted      |
  3. Get Recommended Tools

        % krs recommend`
        Our recommended tools for this deployment are:
        | Category                    | Recommendation   | Tool Name   | CNCF Status   |
        | Cluster with Core CLI tools | Recommended tool | k9s         | unlisted      |
  4. Installing a few tools

      brew install helm
      helm install kubeview kubeview
      helm install kubeview kubeview
      NAME: kubeview
      LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Jun 29 21:44:17 2024
      NAMESPACE: default
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      ==== KubeView has been deployed! ====
      To get the external IP of your application, run the following:
      export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default kubeview -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
      echo http://$SERVICE_IP
      NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
      You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get --namespace default svc -w kubeview'
  5. Exports pod info with logs and events

        krs export
        Pod info with logs and events exported. **Json file saved to current directory!
        meetsimarkaur@meetsimars-MBP krs % ls   arch.png         kubeview     bhive.png     krs            samples
        LICENSE              build         krs.egg-info            exported_pod_info.json   kubetail
  6. Detecting and Fixing Issues with my cluster

        krs health`
        Starting interactive terminal...
        Choose the model provider for healthcheck:
        [1] OpenAI
        [2] Huggingface
        >> 1
        Installing necessary libraries.........
        openai is already installed.
        Enter your OpenAI API key: sk-proj-xxxxxxx
        Enter the OpenAI model name: gpt-3.5-turbo
        API key and model are valid.
        Namespaces in the cluster:
        1. **default
        2. **kube-node-lease
        3. **kube-public
        4. **kube-system
        Which namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number:
        >> 1
        Pods in the namespace default:
        1. **kubeview-64fd5d8b8c-khv8v
        Which pod from default do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number:
        >> 1
        Checking status of the pod...
        Extracting logs and events from the pod...
        Logs and events from the pod extracted successfully!
        Interactive session started. **Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!
        >> Everything looks good!
        Since the log entries provided are empty, there are no warnings or errors to analyze or address. **If there were actual log entries to review, common steps to resolve potential issues in a Kubernetes environment could include:
        1. **Checking the configuration files for any errors or inconsistencies.
        2. **Verifying that all necessary resources (e.g. **pods, services, deployments) are running as expected.
        3. **Monitoring the cluster for any performance issues or resource constraints.
        4. **Troubleshooting any networking problems that may be impacting connectivity.
        5. **Updating Kubernetes components or applying patches as needed to ensure system stability and security.
        6. **Checking logs of specific pods or services for more detailed error messages to pinpoint the root cause of any issues.
        >> 2
        >> Since the log entries are still empty, the response remains the same: Everything looks good! If you encounter any specific issues or errors in the future, feel free to provide the logs for further analysis and troubleshooting.

With KRS, you can effortlessly identify and optimize the tools within your Kubernetes clusters, whether on-premises or in the public cloud, simplifying your Kubernetes management journey.

2 - DigitalOcean

How to Install KRS on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster

KRS is your Kubernetes sidekick, effortlessly optimizing your Digital Ocean cluster. Simply install, initialize, and scan to uncover hidden potential.


  • Digital Ocean Account
  • Homebrew(if you’re on Mac)

Getting Started

  1. Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on Digital Ocean


  2. Install and Setup doctl on your Local Machine

    If on Ubuntu use:

    sudo snap install doctl 
    sudo snap connect doctl:kube-config
    sudo snap connect doctl:ssh-keys :ssh-keys
    sudo snap connect doctl:dot-docker

    If on Mac, use:

    brew install doctl 
  3. Authenticate your Digital Ocean Account

    doctl auth init
  4. Connect your Local Machine to your Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster

    doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save ea3a5a97-fdba-4455-bd81-46df80c68267
  5. Setup KRS using these commands

    git clone
    cd krs
    pip install .
  6. Initialize KRS to permit it access to your cluster using the given command

    krs init
  7. Get a view of all possible actions with KRS, by running the given command

    krs --help
    krs --help
    Usage: krs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **                                        
    krs: A command line interface to scan your Kubernetes Cluster, detect errors,  
    provide resolutions using LLMs and recommend latest tools for your cluster     
    ╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell. **     │
    │ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
    │                               it or customize the installation. **             │
    │ --help                        Show this message and exit. **                   │
    ╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ exit         Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from       │
    │              system. **Removes all cached data. **                               │
    │ export       Exports pod info with logs and events. **                         │
    │ health       Starts an interactive terminal using an LLM of your choice to   │
    │              detect and fix issues with your cluster                         │
    │ init         Initializes the services and loads the scanner. **                │
    │ namespaces   Lists all the namespaces. **                                      │
    │ pods         Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a       │
    │              specified namespace. **                                           │
    │ recommend    Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking         │
    │              database and their CNCF project status. **                        │
    │ scan         Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are         │
    │              currently used. **                                                │
  8. Permit KRS to get information on the tools utilized in your cluster by running the given command

    krs scan
    krs scan
    Scanning your cluster...
    Cluster scanned successfully...
    Extracted tools used in cluster...
    The cluster is using the following tools:
    | Tool Name   |   Rank | Category         | CNCF Status   |
    | cilium      |      1 | Network Policies | graduated     |
    | hubble      |      7 | Security Tools   | listed        |
  9. Get recommendations on possible tools to use in your cluster by running the given command

    krs recommend
    krs recommend
    Our recommended tools for this deployment are:
    | Category         | Recommendation         | Tool Name   | CNCF Status   |
    | Network Policies | Already using the best | cilium      | graduated     |
    | Security Tools   | Recommended tool       | trivy       | listed        |
  10. Check the pod and namespace status in your Kubernetes cluster, including errors.

    krs health
    krs health
    Starting interactive terminal...
    Choose the model provider for healthcheck: 
    [1] OpenAI 
    [2] Huggingface
    >> 1
    Installing necessary libraries..........
    openai is already installed.
    Enter your OpenAI API key: sk-proj-qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP
    Enter the OpenAI model name: gpt-3.5-turbo
    API key and model are valid.
    Namespaces in the cluster:
    1. **default
    2. **kube-node-lease
    3. **kube-public
    4. **kube-system
    5. **portainer
    Which namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number: >> 4
    Pods in the namespace kube-system:
    1. **cilium-9lqbq
    2. **cilium-ffpct
    3. **cilium-pvknr
    4. **coredns-85f59d8784-nvr2n
    5. **coredns-85f59d8784-p9jcv
    6. **cpc-bridge-proxy-c6xzr
    7. **cpc-bridge-proxy-p7r4p
    8. **cpc-bridge-proxy-tkfrd
    9. **csi-do-node-hwxn7
    10. **csi-do-node-q27rc
    11. **csi-do-node-rn7dm
    12. **do-node-agent-6t5ms
    13. **do-node-agent-85r8b
    14. **do-node-agent-m7bvr
    15. **hubble-relay-74686df4df-856pj
    16. **hubble-ui-86cc69bddc-xc745
    17. **konnectivity-agent-9k8vk
    18. **konnectivity-agent-h5fm2
    19. **konnectivity-agent-kf4xh
    20. **kube-proxy-94945
    21. **kube-proxy-qgv4j
    22. **kube-proxy-vztzf
    Which pod from kube-system do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number: >> 1
    Checking status of the pod...
    Extracting logs and events from the pod...
    Logs and events from the pod extracted successfully!
    Interactive session started. **Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!
    >>  The log entries provided are empty {}, so there is nothing to analyze. **Therefore, I can confirm that 'Everything looks good!' in this case.
    If there were warnings or errors in the log entries, I would have analyzed them thoroughly to identify the root cause. **Depending on the specific warnings or errors, potential steps to resolve the issues could include:
    1. **Analyzing the specific error message to understand the problem
    2. **Checking Kubernetes resources (e.g., pods, deployments, configmaps) for any misconfigurations
    3. **Verifying connectivity to external resources or dependencies
    4. **Checking for resource limitations or constraints that could be causing issues
    5. **Reviewing recent changes in the Kubernetes environment that could have introduced problems
    6. **Using Kubernetes troubleshooting tools like kubectl logs, describe, or events to gather more information 
    By following these steps and addressing any identified issues, you can resolve warnings or errors in the Kubernetes environment.
    >> Wonderful, anything else to note?
    >>  In addition to resolving warnings or errors in Kubernetes logs, it's important to regularly monitor and maintain the Kubernetes environment to ensure smooth operation. **Some best practices for Kubernetes maintenance include:
    1. **Regularly updating Kubernetes components and cluster nodes to the latest stable versions to benefit from bug fixes and security patches.
    2. **Implementing automated backups of critical data and configurations to prevent data loss in case of failures.
    3. **Monitoring resource utilization and scaling components as needed to optimize performance and cost efficiency.
    4. **Implementing security best practices, such as network policies, RBAC, and pod security policies to protect the cluster from unauthorized access or malicious activities.
    5. **Conducting regular health checks and performance tuning to identify and address any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the cluster.
    6. **Developing a disaster recovery plan and testing it periodically to ensure business continuity in case of unexpected events.
    By following these maintenance practices, you can ensure the stability, scalability, and security of your Kubernetes environment for optimal DevOps operations.
    >> Alright, so are we done?
    >>  Yes, we have covered the analysis of the Kubernetes log entries and discussed best practices for Kubernetes maintenance. **If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. **Otherwise, we can consider this conversation complete.
    >> Wonderful. **Thanks! end chat
    >>  You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to reach out. **Have a great day! Goodbye!
    >> end chat


How to Install KRS on AWS EKS

Optimize your EKS cluster with KRS. KRS running locally on your machine, analyzes your EKS cluster for improvement. Leverage KRS to gain valuable insights and recommendations for a smoother Kubernetes experience.


  • AWS Account
  • AWSCLI installed on your system
  • Homebrew(if you’re on Mac)

Getting Started

  1. Setup Amazon EKS Cluster

    eksctl create cluster --name <cluster_name> --version <kubernetes_version> --region <aws_region_name e.g us-east-1> --nodegroup-name <linux_nodes> --node-type <node_type>  --nodes <number_of_nodes> --zones=<zone_names, e.g: us-east-1a,us-east-1b>


  2. Authenticate your AWS account

    aws configure 
  3. Extract the list of running clusters on AWS using this command

    aws eks list-clusters
  4. Create a config file that permits KRS access to the EKS cluster using this command

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name> 
  5. Setup KRS using these commands

    $git clone
    $ cd krs
    $ pip install
  6. Initialize KRS to permit it access to your cluster using the given command

    krs init
  7. Get a view of all possible actions with KRS, by running the given command

    krs --help
    Usage: krs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **                                        
    krs: A command line interface to scan your Kubernetes Cluster, detect errors,  
    provide resolutions using LLMs and recommend latest tools for your cluster     
    ╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell. **     │
    │ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
    │                               it or customize the installation. **             │
    │ --help                        Show this message and exit. **                   │
    ╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ exit         Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from       │
    │              system. **Removes all cached data. **                               │
    │ export       Exports pod info with logs and events. **                         │
    │ health       Starts an interactive terminal using an LLM of your choice to   │
    │              detect and fix issues with your cluster                         │
    │ init         Initializes the services and loads the scanner. **                │
    │ namespaces   Lists all the namespaces. **                                      │
    │ pods         Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a       │
    │              specified namespace. **                                           │
    │ recommend    Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking         │
    │              database and their CNCF project status. **                        │
    │ scan         Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are         │
    │              currently used. **                                                │
  8. Permit KRS to get information on the tools utilized in your cluster by running the given command

      krs scan
      Scanning your cluster...
      Cluster scanned successfully...
      Extracted tools used in cluster...
      The cluster is using the following tools:
      | Tool Name   |   Rank | Category                    | CNCF Status   |
      | autoscaler  |      5 | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted      |
      | istio       |      2 | Service Mesh                | graduated     |
      | kserve      |      3 | Artificial Intelligence     | listed        |
  9. Get recommendations on possible tools to use in your cluster by running the given command

      krs recommend
    | Category                    | Recommendation   | Tool Name   | CNCF Status   |
    | Cluster with Core CLI tools | Recommended tool | k9s         | unlisted      |
    | Service Mesh                | Recommended tool | traefik     | listed        |
    | Artificial Intelligence     | Recommended tool | k8sgpt      | sandbox       |
  10. Check the pod and namespace status in your Kubernetes cluster, including errors

      krs health
    Starting interactive terminal...
    Choose the model provider for healthcheck: 
    [1] OpenAI 
    [2] Huggingface
    >> 1
    Installing necessary libraries..........
    openai is already installed.
    Enter your OpenAI API key: sk-proj-xxxxxxxxxx
    Enter the OpenAI model name: gpt-3.5-turbo
    API key and model are valid.
    Namespaces in the cluster:
    1. **cert-manager
    2. **default
    3. **istio-system
    4. **knative-serving
    5. **kserve
    6. **kserve-test
    7. **kube-node-lease
    8. **kube-public
    9. **Kube-system
    Which namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number: >> 9
    Pods in the namespace kube-system:
    1. **aws-node-46hzm
    2. **aws-node-wdgnn
    3. **coredns-586b798467-54t6h
    4. **coredns-586b798467-jmlrp
    5. **kube-proxy-hfmjl
    6. **kube-proxy-n8lc6
    Which pod from kube-system do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number: >> 1
    Checking status of the pod...
    Extracting logs and events from the pod...
    Logs and events from the pod extracted successfully!
    Interactive session started. **Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!
    >>  The provided log entries are empty, so there is nothing to analyze. **Everything looks good!
    >> Wonderful, so what next
    >>  If you have any specific questions or another set of log entries you would like me to analyze, feel free to provide them. **I'm here to help with any DevOps or Kubernetes-related queries you may have. **Just let me know how I can assist you further!

4 - Google's GKE

How to Install KRS on Google Kubernetes Engine

Effortlessly optimize your GKE cluster with KRS. This powerful tool, running locally on your machine, analyzes your GKE cluster for improvement. Leverage KRS to gain valuable insights and recommendations for a smoother Kubernetes experience.


  • A Google Cloud Account
  • Installing Google Cloud SDK on your macOS

Getting Started

  1. Execute the following command to install Google Cloud SDK in your system

    tar xfz google-cloud-sdk-195.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
  2. Enable Google Cloud Engine API


  3. Authenticate Your Google Cloud using gcloud auth

    gcloud init

    In your browser, log in to your Google user account when prompted and click Allow to grant permission to access Google Cloud Platform resources.

  4. Creating GKE Cluster

    gcloud container clusters create k8s-lab1 --disk-size 10 --zone asia-east1-a --machine-type n1-standard-2 --num-nodes 3 --scopes compute-rw
  5. Viewing it on Google Cloud Platform


  6. Viewing the new context on Docker Desktop

  7. Verifying the Google Kubernetes Cluster

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
    gke-k8s-lab1-default-pool-5dfb7153-3fr7   Ready    <none>   3m1s   v1.29.4-gke.1043002
    gke-k8s-lab1-default-pool-5dfb7153-nl3v   Ready    <none>   3m1s   v1.29.4-gke.1043002
    gke-k8s-lab1-default-pool-5dfb7153-rkg8   Ready    <none>   3m2s   v1.29.4-gke.1043002
  8. Initialize the KRS

    krs init
    Services initialized and scanner loaded.
  9. Running the scanner

    krs scan
    Scanning your cluster...
    Cluster scanned successfully...
    Extracted tools used in cluster...
    The cluster is using the following tools:
    | Tool Name   |   Rank | Category                    | CNCF Status   |
    | autoscaler  |      5 | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted      |
    | fluentbit   |      4 | Logging and Tracing         | unlisted      |
  10. Checking the Krs Recommendation

    krs recommend
    Our recommended tools for this deployment are:
    | Category                    | Recommendation   | Tool Name   | CNCF Status   |
    | Cluster with Core CLI tools | Recommended tool | k9s         | unlisted      |
    | Logging and Tracing         | Recommended tool | elk         | unlisted      |
  11. Installing Kubeview

    git clone
    cd kubeview/charts/
    helm install kubeview kubeview
  12. Running the scanner again

    krs scan
    Scanning your cluster...
    Cluster scanned successfully...
    Extracted tools used in cluster...
    The cluster is using the following tools:
    | Tool Name   |   Rank | Category                    | CNCF Status   |
    | kubeview    |     30 | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted      |
    |             |      3 | Cluster Management          | unlisted      |
    | autoscaler  |      5 | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted      |
    | fluentbit   |      4 | Logging and Tracing         | unlisted      |
  13. Discover other KRS commands

    krs --help
    krs --help
    Usage: krs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **                                        
    krs: A command line interface to scan your Kubernetes Cluster, detect errors,  
    provide resolutions using LLMs and recommend latest tools for your cluster     
    ╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell. **     │
    │ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
    │                               it or customize the installation. **             │
    │ --help                        Show this message and exit. **                   │
    ╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ exit         Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from       │
    │              system. **Removes all cached data. **                               │
    │ export       Exports pod info with logs and events. **                         │
    │ health       Starts an interactive terminal using an LLM of your choice to   │
    │              detect and fix issues with your cluster                         │
    │ init         Initializes the services and loads the scanner. **                │
    │ namespaces   Lists all the namespaces. **                                      │
    │ pods         Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a       │
    │              specified namespace. **                                           │
    │ recommend    Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking         │
    │              database and their CNCF project status. **                        │
    │ scan         Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are         │
    │              currently used. **                                                │